Online shopping comes as relief for husbands

Online shopping comes as relief for husbands
Updated 19 June 2016

Online shopping comes as relief for husbands

Online shopping comes as relief for husbands

JEDDAH: Popular online e-commerce sites are helping many couples with their seasonal Eid shopping this year.
For many husbands who are not too keen on hitting the stores during the holiday season, online shopping is proving to be a lifesaver, so to speak, as many items for women and children can now be purchased directly online.
Detailed photographs, attractive prices and order-tracking is making online shopping the preferred method for purchases, with items shipped directly to one’s home, according to a report in a local publication on Friday.
Hanadi Al-Juhani said e-shopping was providing major competition for traditional stores because they allow shoppers to save time, purchase what they want, and have them conveniently delivered to their homes. Many sites also offer extensive discounts, she said.
For Abeer Al-Zahrani, e-shopping is not only more comfortable, but often offers lower prices than brick-and-mortar markets and shopping centers, even for the same items. She said she bought items for herself and her children for Eid without visiting any shops in person since the start of Ramadan.
Ahmed Al-Sinani said online shopping has replaced the tiring moving from store to store. “Thank God, this year I have been relieved of this running around between stores because my wife bought all the items she and our children need online, which were delivered directly to our home. Now I can spend my time praying and visiting loved ones.”